Thursday, November 28, 2019

Piaget Essays (1681 words) - Freudian Psychology, Anal Stage

Piaget Freud And Erikson The field of psychology has grown to be respected as a science. Objectivity and the scientific method are both part of the psychologist's mode of operation. However, even the greatest of psychologists can only theorize about what makes human beings act the way they do. Absolutes are not part of psychology. Everything is relative and open to speculation. Theorists give us their views or ideas about life. In the field of psychology, there have been many different areas of interest. Human development is one of the most popular areas of interest for those who study psychology. Freud, Erikson, and Piaget are all great theorists with different ideas concerning human development. Each theorist developed ideas and stages for human development. Their theories on human development had human beings passing through different stages. Each theory differed on what these stages were. These theories also differed with their respect towards paradigmatic assumptions, learning and development, and relationship towards educational practice. Freud is known as the father of psychology. Although some of his work has been dismissed, most of it still holds weight in the world of psychology today. Freud believed that inner forces fueled human development. He believed the most powerful of all inner forces was our sexual being. Freud linked everything with sex. This includes any bodily pleasure whatsoever. Thus, when Freud discusses the sexual needs of children, they are not the Hartenstine 2 same kind of sexual needs that an adult would experience. Children experienced sexual gratification in different ways. Sucking their thumbs or retaining their excrement could be seen as sexual gratification for small children. Freud also specified certain areas of our body as erogenous zones. Those areas included the mouth and genitals. This all fit in to Freud's obsession with sex. An obsession that could be linked to the era that Freud lived in. It was a very conservative period in history. Sexual feelings were often repressed. Freud's theory on human development could be labeled the psychosexual stages of development. Freud believed human beings passed through different stages in their life based on which part of their body gratified them. Freud's psychosexual stages of development are five in total. The Oral stage takes place from birth to about one year. During this stage, a child is orally oriented. The mouth is the child's erogenous zone. Everything a child touches is put in his mouth. Freud believes children do this because it gives them pleasure. When a child sucks his thumb, it does so because it gratifies them. According to Freud, the gratification is sexual. The second stage in Freud's psychosexual development theory takes place between the ages of two and three years of age. The erogenous zone shifts location, thus moving from one stage to another. The second erogenous zone in Freud's stages of human development is the anal region. Freud believes children Hartenstine 3 experience sexual gratification during bowel movements and when they withhold bowel movements. Some children may even experience pleasure handling, looking at, or thinking about their own feces. Once the Anal stage of development has been completed, the next stage of development for Freud is the Phallic Stage. This usually occurs at about three years of age. The shift in erogenous zones moves from the anal region to the genital organs. This stage is also known as the Oedipal Stage of psychosexual development. This name comes from the legendary king, Oedipus, who killed his father and married his mother. During this stage, children take interest in their sexual organs. Soon they notice differences and similarities between themselves and their parents. Each sex wants to be with the parent of the other sex, for girls this is referred to as the elektra complex. Once the children realize they can not be with their mother or father, they identify with the parent of the same sex. The next stage is called the stage of Latency. A lack of change or absence of erogenous zones characterizes this stage. After the realization that the child can not be with a parent sexually, the child shifts its attention to same-sexed relationships. Boys will shift their sexual urges and drives to something acceptable, such as sports. This is a time of relative calm. The last stage of Freud's psychosexual development is the Genital Stage. The erogenous zone returns in a very powerful Hartenstine 4 way in the genital organs. This stage takes place from puberty into adulthood. True sexual desire and sexual relationships mark this stage. Erikson took Freud's ideas and enhanced them. He added stages for the adult years.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to help people essays

How to help people essays Every person has a tremendous number of skills or abilities. Some of them are obtained by experience, others appear in an early childhood. One of my skills is my knowledge of how to give medical treatment during illness. I gained this skill after my graduation from pharmacy school, where I invented a new world of medicine. In my essay, I will give several recommendations for rational behavior during sicknesses as a common cold, stress and headache. First, a cold is an inflammatory condition of upper respiratory tract due to viral, allergic or mixed infection. There are many available treatments for the common cold. In my eyes, herbal remedies are the most appropriate medicaments for reducing the cold. In this infection, I usually advise people to use ginger and lemon. Ginger is an excellent remedy for cold. About 10 gm of ginger must be cut into small pieces, boiled in a cup of water, strained, and then added an additional half-teaspoon of sugar to it. This decoction should be drunk when it is hot. Adding few pieces of ginger into boiled water, then adding the tealeaves is the formula for ginger tea. It should be taken twice daily. Lemon is beneficial in all types of cold with fever. Vitamin C- rich lemon juice increases body resistance, decreases toxicity, and reduces the duration of the illness. Lemon should be diluted in a glass of warm water, and a teaspoon of honey should be added to it. So, if you start to use these remedies, you may forget about chemical pills that change your metabolism in an unfavorable way. My friends always ask me how to deal with stress. My answer is taking frequent effective exercise, which is probably one of the best physical stress reduction techniques available. Exercise improves your unfit condition, relaxes muscles and helps you to sleep. An important thing to remember is that exercise should be fun. If you do not enjoy it, then you will probably not keep doing it. The p...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sales Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Sales Management - Essay Example Sales personnel need motivation to get their tasks done in an amicable manner and this is the reason why sales management is often thought of as a difficult job. Sales personnel compensation is therefore given the importance due to a number of factors, all of which play their due role within the shaping up of work ideologies and the manner in which sales management has come about as a major force to reckon with. Therefore money takes the preference when it comes to understanding the real motivation behind the sales professionals2. If they are not paid properly, this could lead to a host of issues, all of which come directly under the aegis of low productivity and even lower morale exhibited on their part. Sales personnel compensation forms the backbone of discerning success under such quarters and an organization is always more than willing to hire the sales staff that understands its financial position and tries to balance their undertakings in the same light. Some compensation plans are based on the fact that the employees (or sales professionals) get commissions based on their work manifestations. This means that if they do more work and have better sales figures than their colleagues, they get the best mileage when it comes to their compensation mechanisms. The ones who bring in fewer sales therefore face the brunt as they do not receive any commissions as such. On the same token, another compensation plan is rationalized by understanding that the sales professionals work on a fixed compensation and they would receive a salary no matter how much sales they make at the end of a particular time period3. This is in essence the normal mechanism of working where sales professionals are bringing in the desired quota of sales and thus looking to exploit the resources that are available at their disposal without paying too much heed towards receiving incentives in the form of commissions from the organization that they basically work for.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Creating a Unit and Assessing Performance Assignment

Creating a Unit and Assessing Performance - Assignment Example This paper will focus on Social studies of Second Graders in Schools in Florida. Social Studies Skills and Concepts Matrix is structured in a manner to help the classroom teacher to assess the essential skills and perceptions of the students throughout the pre K 12 education. This curriculum is clearly constructed so that teachers can understand the introduction, development, mastery and the reinforcement of social studies and language Arts skills in order to ease the planning process. This also facilitates that there is uniform acquisition of these concepts and skills by the students across Florida. The social studies skills and concept matrix has four categories research skills, civil awareness concepts, geographical skills and concepts and social studies skills. The specific skills have been listed for each grade level. The introduction bench mark signifies the corresponding social studies with each skill that is introduced. The social studies skills should be evaluate using other core subjects to determine the overall Performance of the subject. To do this a year table that has been split between every nine weeks of teaching will be effective. It will be categorized with other subjects like language arts, Math, Reading and science. There is a lot of information in Social Studies that the second grade students of the state of Florida can obtain from the pacing guide if properly followed by the teacher. By the first nine weeks, a second grader studying Social Studies should know the responsibilities of a Citizenship, construction and use of simple maps and globes. The second nine weeks should teach on the contributions of American Indians and describing regions, communities and environment. By the third nine weeks the student should know the famous Americans and their contributions. The fourth nine weeks will let them understand barter trade system and holocaust. For ever set of nine weeks the student finishes there are special factors

Monday, November 18, 2019

English writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

English writing - Essay Example This paper will explore the manner in which the mass media influences the public opinion of the masses in the course of serving its primary core functions in society, namely informing, entertaining and educating the public. The primary role of the mass media in every society is to provide news and information to the public, in the true sense of the so-called ‘information age’ in the 21st century, which greatly shapes public opinion (Mujtaba). Since human beings are social beings, people all over the world are presently ruled by information communication technologies. Consequently, it is not unusual for the masses to turn to the various media outlets, particularly the TV, in search of news and information at the break of every dawn (Colistra 85). Inevitably, the numerous media outlets play a very vital role in the information communication chain by informing the masses about what is taking place in their environments. The news and information received through these media outlets shapes people’s thinking and perceptions concerning certain issues in society. Public opinion is very crucial in the implementation of public policy, especially regarding controversial issues affecting the ma sses. Biased media reporting can totally shift the scales in terms of whether a proposed policy will be accepted or refuted by the masses. Policy makers often seek to establish positive public opinions to favour certain pieces of legislation through mass media. in politics, media reporting can potentially turn the public opinion either in favour of or against a certain proposed public policy (McQuail 8). In the wake of the Iraqi assault by the US troops back in the year 2003, the media played a great role in shaping the public opinion of the masses regarding the war. The then Bush administration and Congress decried the perceived biased media representation of facts that was consequently shifting public opinion against the war (Baum & Potter 40).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysis Of A Hotel Management System

Analysis Of A Hotel Management System This is software which has mainly made for management of a Hotel. The software has been designed with front-end as VB and backend as Oracle. The project Hotel Management manages maintains the records of customers and room in the hotel. The rooms have different categories. So there charges and records will be maintained accordingly. This software has been made in a user friendly interface, so that normal persons can add, delete the entries of customers and handle all the transactions easily. SYSTEM ANALYSIS The initial analysis is made by knowing the user requirements. In analysis phase, we have analyzed the users requirement such as:- Addition of the record of the customer who comes into the hotel ,deletion of the record when customer leaves the hotel, printing and calculation of the bill ,record of facilities available in the hotel ,allotment of the rooms etc. In this project we have also analyzed that the product or software should not be very costly but its quality and interface must be attractive. If any wrong operation is being performed then the software must invoke the operator accordingly. FEASIBILITY STUDY A feasibility study is carried out to select the best system that must performance requirement and its working ability in an organization. The feasibility of the system has been done in three types:- -Technical Feasibility Study -Economical Feasibility Study -Behavioral Feasibility Study TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY Technically we have made feasibility in keeping mind about the hardware so that the designed software can work smoothly with maximum efficiency with the hardware. ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY In this we mainly calculate the cost of proposed system and the cost of customer and compare the cost to meet the users cost. The cost of hardware, facility cost, operating and supply costs are considered. The cost of feasibility is also considered on this such as wiring, lightning, A.C. etc. BEHAVIOURAL FEASIBILITY We have to consider the cost of staff which has special efforts to educate, sell train on new ways. SOFTWARE HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS There are some software and hardware requirements of the software hotel management system. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS -Visual as frontend -Oracle Database as backend -Windows 7 home Premium HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS -Pentium- 4 processor -40 more GB for data storage -128 to 512 KB RAM -Printer for reporting and printing IMPLEMENTATION To implement this project, HOTEL MANAGEMENT will require a visual basic as front end Oracle Database as back end. SYSTEM DESIGN In this software we have developed some forms. The brief description about them is as follow:- MDI FORM This is the main form. It contains following fields:- Hotel Customer Reservation Room Room Category Search On moving the cursor to any of the above fields, drop down menus will be displayed user can click on any of the options available in them and their respective forms will open. Hotel The main purpose of this form is to add a new hotel to the database. For this purpose, the user will be required to fill the Hotel id, Hotel Name and their address. After filling all the entries, when we click on the on the save button, the record will be added to the database. Customer In this form, user can add a new customer to the records. For this purpose, the user will be required to fill the customer id, name of the occupants, their address. After filling all the entries, when we click on the Submit button, the record will be added to the database. Reservation This is the reservation form where the user inputs customers reservation details, for example: Reservation Id, Customer Id, Hotel Id, Reservation date, Arrival dates and so on. The user can select the type of rooms by inputting the room category id from the list box. The charges per day of this room are displayed in the list itself. After filling all the entries, when the user click save button, the records will be added to the database. C:UsersWindows 7DesktopUntitled.png Room This is the room form, where the user search total rooms in the hotel by the room details like hotel id, room number and room category id. After filling all the entries, when the user click search button, the user will be able to view the types of room by their room details. Room Category This is the room category form where the user inputs details in the room categories in the hotel by the room details like category id, category name and number of beds. After filling all the entries, when the user click save button, the user will be able to view the types of room by their room details Search This form search all the database according the input of the user, If the input is found in the database, then message box input found and the result will be displayed, In the other hand, if the user inputs incorrect input, a msg box displays input not found please try again. And no result will be displayed. C:UsersWindows 7Desktopsearch.png System Study Analysis PRINCIPLES OF SYSTEM ANALYSIS -Understand the problem before you begin to create the analysis model. -Develop prototypes that enable a user to understand how human machine interaction will occur. -Record the origin of and the reason for every requirement. -Use multiple views of requirements like building data, function and behavioral models. -Work to eliminate ambiguity. ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM (ERD) Entity-Relationship Diagram This depicts relationship between data objects. The attribute of each data objects noted in the entity- relationship diagram can be described using a data object description. Data flow diagram serves two purposes: -To provide an induction of how data are transformed as they move through the system. -To depict the functions that transformation the data flow. Data Objects A data object is a representation of almost any composite information that must be understood by the software. By composite information, we mean something that has a number of different properties or attributes. A data object encapsulates data only there is no reference within a data object to operations that act on the data. Attributes: Attributes define the properties of a data object and take on one of three different characteristics. They can be used to; -Name an instance of data object. -Describe the instance -Make reference to another instance in other table. Relationship Data objects are connected to one another in a variety of different ways. We can define a set of object relationship pairs that define the relevant relationships. E-R DIAGRAM CUSTOMER HOTEL CHECK IN ROOM INFORMATION ROOM ROOM RECORD CUSTOMER HOTEL CHECK OUT CUSTOMER ROOM ROOM PRICE HOTEL DATA MODELING Data modeling defines primary data objects, composition of each data object, and attributes of the object and other objects and between objects and processes. Hotel Table Fields Type Hotel Id Varchar2 Hotel Name Varchar2 Address Varchar2 City Varchar2 Phone No Number Number of Stars Varchar2 Customer Table Fields Type Customer Id Varchar2 First Name Varchar2 Last Name Varchar2 Gender Varchar2 Address Varchar2 Phone No Number Email Address Varchar2 Reservation Fields Type Reservation Id Varchar2 Customer Id Varchar2 Hotel Id Varchar2 Reservation Date Date Arrival Date Date Departure Date Date Room Category Varchar2 Status Varchar2 Total Cost Number Room Field Type Hotel Id Varchar2 Room Number Number Category Id Varchar2 Room Category Field Type Category Id Varchar2 Category Name Varchar2 Number Of Beds Number Search In this function, room, customer as user can search detail from the database according to their authentication. CONCLUSION This project have been designed in a great user friendly and largely providing attribute interface and tp meet the requirement of a Hotel Management System.. The project is working with quick response and same level of security is also maintained. The Oracle database is maintained and frontend with Visual Basic. In this designing system, I have used an ER Diagrams; overall this project teaches us the essential skill like; -Understanding the Oracle database handling and query processing. -Using system analysis and design techniques like ER diagram and Data modeling in designing the system.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Global Power Dynamic Essay -- International Relations

Introduction During the era of the Cold War, the global power structure was â€Å"characterized by strategic bipolarity† (Sorensen 2004: 124). After the disintegration of Soviet Union, the global power structure turned into a unipolar world under the control of the United States. With the development of Germany and Japan, scholars, analysts and observers have predicted a decline in American power and a return to a multi-polar world. Recent years, the BRICs has been considered as a new power in global issue. its rapid and successful development, China has been exposed under the spotlight all the time. The world economic crisis happened in 2007 not only damaged the economy of America but also the international image. We have seen the vulnerability of American economy and the failing role of taking responsibility for the economic crisis. Simultaneously, as a huge economy, China is the only country recovers in the minimum duration. The recovery of China also contributes to the spring back of r egional and global economy. After the global economic crisis, China has reduced the distance with America in economy, most importantly; China has built a â€Å"powerful† image in the world. Thus this image brings one standpoint that China is becoming another super power in the world; America cannot dictate the whole world any more. Based on this view, the global power structure is emerging â€Å"a G2 structure: China and US† (Stelzer 2009). This paper is aiming to analyze this G2 assumption. Is it the real global power structure in the world now? How does the crisis affect the state? Does the world economic crisis only bring power to China? Where will be the next stop of the power structure? The transformation of the new power The emerging powerful Ch... ... Weekly Standard, Vol. 13, Issue 46, 25 August 2008. Roberts, Cynthia, â€Å"Polity Forum: Challengers or Stakeholders? BRICs and the Liberal World Order†, Polity, Vol. 42, No. 1, 2010. Sorensen, Georg, â€Å"The Transformation of the State. Beyond the Myth of Retreat†, London: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2008. Stelzer, Irwin, â€Å"The real action will be at the G2: China and the US†, The Sunday Times, March 29, 2009. Mastanduno, Michael, ‘‘System Maker and Privilege Taker: U.S. Power and the International Political Economy’’, World Politics 61, January 2009. Wade, Robert (2008), â€Å"Financial Regime Change? New Left Review†, 53, September-October 2008. Zakaria, Fareed, â€Å"The Rise of the Rest†, Newsweek, 12 May, 2008.